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Nay is a radiant being that cares for the world in its entirety- the earth, the animals, and humanity. That’s where her divine guidance stems from. She is so connected to her source that her messages from your guides and her intuition are unparalleled. I have had multiple tarot readings, messages , and crystal guidance with her that have abetted me to live my best life! Thank you, Nay

-Melanie Benz


I met my soul sister thirty years ago in the girl’s bathroom at college.  The moment our eyes met we both knew that we would be best friends forever.  She was incredibly beautiful, she was radiating enormous power, strength and intense love reserved for those who she would approve of.  She was practically a mirror image of myself, in spirit and ego. Her presence was filled with pain she had overcome and endless love she was waiting to share.  Over the past thirty years she has been the one who guided me back onto my path intuitively when I didn’t even know when I was off...she has been the one who has loved me unconditionally... and she’s been the one who cheered me on in my endeavors and pursuits in all areas of life.  She has empowered me through my divorce, and she has called in the spirit of my ancestors to heal me when I was near death several times in the seven years I suffered from ulcerative colitis.

I have watched her taken sisters from all sorts of other misters under her wings, protecting them and empowering them with all her heart over and over ...

All I can say is that you’re so incredibly lucky that she’s opening her heart to YOU.  

 She will help you help yourself get back to your core where you rediscover your power and your own love for yourself and all beings throughout the universe and beyond.

Her light will add to yours and you will shine brighter than ever before.

You’re truly in for some real love.


I received a tarot reading from Naomi for my birthday in January 2020. It was a powerful reading and so on point to show me what was blocking me to move forward. It is almost May and her reading is still unfolding exactly how she described. She is an ancient soul with powerful wisdom to share. She is filled with pure light and love. I am excited to continue to work with her on my spiritual path.

-Sara Lahti

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I feel like I have known Naomi for lifetimes and I am so grateful for that, because she has lifted me up with love and light every step of the way...lifetime, after lifetime, after lifetime. My life would not be the same without her. Naomi and I are connected in a way that is so extraodinary, it is hard for me to put it into words. Whenever I need her...she just shows up. She can feel my pain and has the power to take it away from me. No matter what I am going through she always knows exactly what to say and do. I feel so honored to have her as a part of my life. We are forever connected and that connection gives me the strength to constantly grow in her presence. She not only feels my pain, she feels my light and again shows up to celebrate all my wins. She has taught me how to live life in my full spiritual power and live on my higher plain no matter what is going on with me. She has shown me how to not let the negative influence my life. Her wisdom shines through everything she does and no matter what your needs may be...she knows exactly what to do and how to do it. I cherish our friendship, our spiritual connection and the transformation she has given me with her light. I know that she will always be here for me and I will always be here for her and for that I am forever grateful and forever blessed. 

-Kimleigh Smith


Aloha! NayNay is a Goddess and Angel that continues to light up my life. She has taught me to practice living in love & higher vibrations. She has guided me through my personal blocks throughout the years which have helped me rise.  I am so appreciative to have attracted her wisdom and beauty to guide me in shining brighter every day.  Mahalo nui loa Nay!

-Kalena Ranoa


I have had the privilege of knowing Naomi for over 20 years. She is one of the most powerful inspiring women I have ever encountered. One morning while practicing yoga and working on clearing my chakra energies, I felt this overwhelming feeling of old energy  stuck in my heart and solar plexus chakra. I continually pushed against  this old stuck energy and it just would not budge! I consulted Nay about my challenge. She recognized the shadows that were there blocking me. I received clear concise guidance on how to remove these blocks and free my soul. I am forever grateful for Nay and her gift. She recognized the shadows and lit up my world allowing me to realize my truth. Thank you Nay, Love you so... 

-Sage Christensen



Naomi is such an intuitive and has such a strong connection to the planet and energy.  She has guided me with her strong intuition through several decisions and deals from the years I’ve known her. I highly recommend her for any healing and physic connection to the most important decisions you’ll ever make! Or just for a fun tarot read too!

-Nicole Stuart



I have known Naomi for awhile, and she has always walked with a powerful positive force. So at times I would drop in on the force and catch some of those gems that would reactivate my soul.

But, last year I had it. I lost a job and left a horrible relationship. I was feeling stuck and trapped in a Life that was not producing the outcome I wanted. I was attracting that which was not in my highest interest. 

Out of nowhere, because it has been awhile since we had spoken, Naomi sends me a message that completely resonated with me exactly what I needed to hear. I asked her if she would be so inclined to assist me on my spiritual path, and boy did she. She was all tough love and I needed it. I was hungry for healing, and at times felt I took and took from her. I did. But, she was there for me, No judgements. I have evolved in such a way, there are no words that can exactly convey what she has meant to me in this process. She basically jumpstarted my positive flow which has prepared me for not only what I need to do for my life, but amidst this chaos that is Covid-19.  She even looked out for my money. I will never forget your generosity-  Love you Nay Nay, thank you for always showing up. 

-Kristine Louise

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I’ve been a close friend of Naomi’s for over 25 years now and I have seen Naomi deepen her spiritual life and practice in a profound way, especially since 2020. From bartender to Emmy Award nominated actress,  Naomi is on an accelerated path to becoming all that she wants to be. Along with her own transformation she is able to guide and counsel others.


It hasn’t always been easy to accept the changes, and has been sometimes baffling because the shift was so monumental. I started noticing that Naomi was listening to different music, she no longer participated in activities that were unhealthy. These changes altered our relationship, we had to find new activities to share that were of a higher vibration. I remember hearing her say “everything is energy “ and something like, “If they are not on my frequency I let them go”.


Naomi is in the process of mastering the art of focusing only on what is most desired. Of praising life and appreciating all she is and all she has and does. She is actively cultivating joy and fulfillment. In guidance Naomi is able to see clearly where energy is blocked and advise action. This is not always painless. She is frank. She tells it like she sees it, not always easy to hear. But Naomi has developed her intuition and her communication with her own higher self and spirit guides that has brought her to this new phase of being a bodhisattva, someone who helps others attain enlightenment.

-Bahni Turpin 

Have you ever searched so deeply inside yourself that you could almost touch the answers you were seeking? Or felt like there was just a thin veil hiding them, but you were too close to see? Maybe you were letting Resistance stand in your way--and knew it? All of which sum up how I was feeling when I met Naomi Matsuda, an intuitive spiritual transformation guide (now dear friend). As I told her, it was doubly frustrating because I’m a writer who has always seen life--and even writes--from a largely intuitive viewpoint. To name a few things that make Naomi special: She truly wants you to be your best, so she’ll tell you frankly if she sees you standing in your own way. She can hear ancestors cheering you forward, though you’ve never even met. And sees them celebrating, and thanking you for freeing them, even as you free yourself. I’ve met with her twice, definitely will again, and am sure you’d love her, too!

-- Joanie Strulowitz

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